On September 25th, 2012, the 6th Global Indonesian Network (GI-Net), held by Tjitra & associates, Telkom Indonesia and Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia, focuses on strategic international HR process. Participants from University of Indonesia, Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia , Triputra Group, MRA Media, DHL Indonesia, Citibank, Charoen Pokphand, Telkom,  International Indonesia, Panorama Tours, and Panorama Transportasi took a active part. Prof. Dr. Hora Tjitra (Executive Director of Tjitra & associates) and Ir. Agus Riyanto, M.Sc (Expert Instructor for Executive & Leadership, Telkom Indonesia) have shared best practices from three complimentary points of view – company, research and consultancy experiences. 

The growing demands in companies’ way to higher competitiveness and larger global market share, makes the presence of best talents, regardless of their backgrounds, very crucial. In line with the phenomenon, international assignments becomes an prominent, yet problematic topic in HR strategic function. 


Mr. Riyanto, elaborated Telkom’s experiences in dealing with the global talent market. As a public listing company in three stock markets (Jakarta, London, and New York), Telkom needs to prepare strategic responses to the rapidly changing technology and market, to grow in line with changes to customers and competitors. This  new technology era makes it necessary for Telkom to be competitive as a global players through international assignment. However, the company realizes that it is not easy to motivate employees to accept overseas assignments. A number of barriers occurred among are, such as, limitation in skills (e.g. foreign language proficiency), reluctance to leave the family and relatives, and reluctance out of the comfort zone. 


Prof. Dr.Tjitra reviewed the latest research results about international assignments, as well as best practices from global diversity and international leadership with MNC’s in Germany and China. He started his speech with the concepts and theories of globalization and internationalization, then described several strategies and internationalization process, as well as the strategic role of the international assignment for the development of talent within an organization. Prof. Dr. Tjitra also emphasized the importance of cross cultural adjustment for international assignees, as 16% to 40% of assignments end in failure (Black, 1988). Therefore, culture training for both assignees and their families is one option to develop intercultural competence and sensitivity to increase the possibilities of success. In the last part, he described how to design assessment and selection for the international assignee.


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